Drug Charges, Fines, Penalties & More.
Everything you want to know about drug charges in South Carolina.

8 Most Asked Questions About Drug Trafficking Charges in SC
Drug trafficking is the most severe drug charge that you could face in SC, and, as such, it's often not understood as well as simple possession or possession with intent to distribute. In this article, we'll discuss: What drug trafficking in SC means and the...

Complete List of Charges for Crack Cocaine in SC
Crack cocaine charges in SC include possession, possession with intent to distribute, distribution, manufacturing, and trafficking crack cocaine. In this article you will learn: whether there is a difference between powder cocaine and crack cocaine charges in...

Do You Need a Lawyer for a Juvenile Drug Charge in SC?
If your child is charged with a crime in SC’s juvenile court (Family Court), it is not only a good idea to have an experienced juvenile criminal defense lawyer represent him/her, it is required by the Court. Drug charges can be a serious matter for juveniles, just as...

Top 9 Questions About Drug Paraphernalia in SC
What is drug paraphernalia in SC? In this article you will learn: what drug paraphernalia is, whether a conviction for paraphernalia will appear on your criminal record, how your criminal defense lawyer may handle drug paraphernalia charges, and other common questions...

When can Police Search My Car for Drugs in South Carolina?
Can police search my car without a warrant? If so, when is that okay? The Fourth Amendment protects against unreasonable searches and seizures, but what does that mean exactly? In this article you will learn: how and when the Fourth Amendment protects against police...
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